The Secret for Deliberate Creation

By Dr. Robert Anthony

The secret for deliberate creation comes about through choosing your intention and then locking your attention, you have chosen -and continue to choose to participate in whichever universe you are currently participating in.

So the question we must ask is, which one are we choosing, or more importantly which one will we choose?

Think about this.

What scientists and physicists are discovering is that we exist simultaneously in many different forms, dimensions and time. We choose which reality we want to live in based on our intentions and attention.

Now I know your head is about to explode because this seems so unreal, but it is more real than you can imagine or accept right now. What every theory in quantum physics has in common is that you are the observer and the participant.

With your clearly defined INTENTION and your unbending and consistent ATTENTION, you choose which world you're going to participate in.

Science tells us that the things we observe in our outer world are nothing more than a projection from our inner world.

Okay, take a breath and let's put it in practical terms. Imagine you offer a vibration for the future that you want to create $100,000 in the next year. If you are focusing on that, feeling it, acting on it and then reinforcing it with your actions,the money starts to take physical form.

Conversely, if you're putting out an intention of $100,000 and you stress out when your credit card bill comes in and you keep telling your friends how broke you are and how bad the economy is, then they cancel each other out.

Anytime you think, feel and act broke, or worry about the economy, you are sending out a vibration that is bound to cancel your intention. This is why so many people struggle with manifesting the things they desire in their lives.

In other words, only vibrations that are in resonance with each other can harmonize. This is the scientific principle behind the Law of Attraction.

Since we create our reality on whichever dimension we choose to participate, it is critical that the BIG THREE - thoughts, feelings and emotions - are in harmony along with our actions. If they are not in sync, your present and future won't harmonize. They will INTERCEPT, and they will cancel each other out.

Now you can see how setting your desire or intention in the present, that is, creating your vibration, equates with how you are choosing to participate in the universe. If the vibration you are offering is out of resonance or harmony with what is coming back from your future, you won't be able to create it.

This is why making a decision based on where you are going, not where you are is so critical. The key is to accept where you are without resistance. You accept "what is" without fighting it, but you keep your intention on your desire.

This is the secret to manifestation. I suggest you reread that.

If you remain at this high level of vibration then you MUST realize that you don't have to create your desire. It is ALREADY created! You just have to align with it. What you desire is in the quantum field of possibilities (alternate universe if you will).

So get in harmony with it, start taking action based upon it and that is what will unfold.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow. Truly Caring for Your Success! Dr. Robert Anthony