Computerized Painting

The Miracle of Computers! Just a little something fun for the history buff this computerized painting of people of influence takes you to Wikipedia when you click on the image.

Every now and then we find something unusual that really doesn't have anything to do with health, wealth or wisdom. Although you could consider this trip down historical alley to be of benefit.

Hope you enjoy this- it's interesting to see all that is included as well as seeing who in the mind of the artists are people of influence. It could prove invaluable assistance to anyone studying history or biographies.

Painted by Chinese Artists, Dai Dudu, Li Tiezi and Zhang An, oil on canvas, 2006.

This painting is truly remarkable. Even more amazing though, is that the canvas has been computerized.

Run your cursor over the people. The program tells you who they are via Wikipedia - every single one of them.

Click on a person and you obtain the individual’s life history.

Computerized painting of influential people in history.

The Creating Machine

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